Your story and your love are worthy of being remembered! - Brisbane Photographer
As a Brisbane family photographer and a mum of two, I am committed to ensuring that motherhood is seen by capturing the authentic emotion that comes with becoming a mother. Before having children, we spend a lifetime building our sense of self to reach a point where we know exactly who we are and where our place in life is. It is sometimes surprising how quickly we must re-evaluate who we are following the birth of our beautiful children.
Nothing can really prepare you for what truly happens when you have children. It is the unspoken side of motherhood that doesn’t rally the troops! One day you are an individual and the next you are forever known as ‘Mum’. Even though we lovingly embrace this new role as best we can, our feelings of uncertainty around how we look can leave us feeling insecure.
Photo credit First Echo Photography
Our concern about our new self-image and how we are perceived by the world, comes at a very busy time in our lives. Our once familiar wardrobe now consists of maternity jeans, oversized dresses, and durable clothing that can withstand the test of sandy playgrounds and little fingers covered in blueberries and pumpkin puree.
For many, the challenges of motherhood have an effect on the way we see ourselves. I recently published a post on social media about the importance as to why mums need to be included in their family photos. It was heartbreaking to receive many messages from new mothers telling me that they intentionally excluded themselves from family photographs. The recurring theme in these messages was that their inner critic demanded that their bodies were perfect before stepping in front of a camera.
I’ve been in the depths of motherhood for 11 wonderful, hectic years now and completely understand the rollercoaster that comes with changing identities and losing your self-confidence in the process. Our history of viewing motherhood through rose-coloured lenses has left many blind spots for women. So often we are misled by social media or glossy magazines that instill an ideal of what the perfect mum and perfect family is.
However, the journey of becoming a mother and raising a daughter of my very own has led me to confront a few things about my own sense of self. This journey compelled me to quit the oversized demands of perfection and shrug off any thoughts about conforming to society’s expectations.
Life seems to get caught up in a whirlwind of laughter, tears, and clumsily grazed elbows and knees. It is the precious moments between mother and child that need to be captured.
Photo credit First Echo Photography